ACF Barnes W. Rose, Jr. and Eva Rose Nichol Scholarship Program: Financial Aid for STEM Students

The ACF Barnes W. Rose, Jr. and Eva Rose Nichol Scholarship Program is a prestigious opportunity for senior students at Albuquerque High School who are passionate about pursuing a bachelor’s degree in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, or Mathematics (STEM). This scholarship program, established in 2003 to honor the memory of Barnes W. Rose and his aunt Eva Rose Nichol, provides valuable financial aid to eligible applicants.

Aspiring students who fulfill the eligibility criteria, including a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.6 and a strong interest and skill in math and science, can apply for this esteemed scholarship. The ACF Barnes W. Rose, Jr. and Eva Rose Nichol Scholarship Program, offering an award of $800, assists students in covering educational expenses and serves as a stepping stone towards their academic goals.

To apply for this scholarship opportunity, interested students can visit the official website or directly contact the foundation. The application process involves providing personal information, academic records, a personal essay describing career goals in STEM, and references from math or science teachers. The deadline for application submission is April 6, 2024. Don’t miss out on this chance to secure the financial support needed for your STEM education!

Eligibility Criteria for the ACF Barnes W. Rose, Jr. and Eva Rose Nichol Scholarship Program

The ACF Barnes W. Rose, Jr. and Eva Rose Nichol Scholarship Program provides financial aid to high school seniors at Albuquerque High School who are interested in pursuing a bachelor’s degree in one of the STEM majors. To be eligible for this scholarship, applicants must meet certain criteria:

GPA Requirement:

Applicants must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.6. This demonstrates their commitment to academic excellence and ensures that the scholarship is awarded to deserving students who have excelled in their studies.

Financial Need:

Applicants must demonstrate financial need to be considered for the scholarship. This requirement ensures that the scholarship funds are allocated to students who require financial assistance to pursue their higher education in a STEM field.

Interest and Skill in Math and Science:

Applicants should have a strong interest and skill in math and science. This is assessed through their academic records and references from math or science teachers. The scholarship program seeks to support students who are passionate about their chosen STEM career and have demonstrated their capabilities in these subjects.

Priority for Engineering-Related Careers:

Priority is given to applicants who are pursuing engineering-related careers. This emphasizes the importance of engineering in the STEM fields and aims to encourage more students to pursue careers in this area of study.

By fulfilling these eligibility criteria, students can apply for the ACF Barnes W. Rose, Jr. and Eva Rose Nichol Scholarship Program and have the opportunity to receive financial aid for their STEM education.

ACF Barnes W. Rose, Jr. and Eva Rose Nichol Scholarship Program

Application Process for the ACF Barnes W. Rose, Jr. and Eva Rose Nichol Scholarship Program

To apply for the ACF Barnes W. Rose, Jr. and Eva Rose Nichol Scholarship Program, interested students can follow a straightforward application process. The program provides financial aid for high school seniors at Albuquerque High School who wish to pursue a bachelor’s degree in a STEM major.

Applicants can visit the official website of the scholarship program or email the foundation directly to access the application form. The application requires students to provide their personal information, including their name, contact details, and academic records. It is essential to accurately fill in all the required fields to ensure the application is complete.

In addition to personal information, applicants must submit a personal essay that describes their career goals in the STEM field. This essay provides an opportunity for students to showcase their passion, ambition, and dedication to their chosen field of study. It is crucial to carefully craft this essay, highlighting specific reasons for pursuing a STEM career and how the scholarship will help them achieve their goals.

Furthermore, applicants are required to provide references from math or science teachers who can speak to their abilities, achievements, and potential in these subjects. These references serve to validate the applicant’s interest and skill in math and science, and provide additional insight into their academic capabilities.

Application Process Steps

Step Description
1 Visit the official website or email the foundation directly
2 Complete the application form, providing personal information
3 Write a personal essay describing career goals in the STEM field
4 Submit references from math or science teachers

The deadline for applications for the ACF Barnes W. Rose, Jr. and Eva Rose Nichol Scholarship Program is April 6, 2024. It is crucial to submit the application and all supporting documents before the deadline to be considered for this scholarship opportunity.

By following the application process and submitting a comprehensive application, students can increase their chances of receiving the ACF Barnes W. Rose, Jr. and Eva Rose Nichol Scholarship, which provides financial aid and recognition for their accomplishments and potential in the STEM field.

Benefits of the ACF Barnes W. Rose, Jr. and Eva Rose Nichol Scholarship Program

The ACF Barnes W. Rose, Jr. and Eva Rose Nichol Scholarship Program offers numerous benefits to high school seniors at Albuquerque High School who wish to pursue a bachelor’s degree in a STEM major. One of the primary benefits is the financial aid provided by the scholarship program. The scholarship awards recipients with $800, which can be used to cover various educational expenses such as tuition fees, textbooks, and other related costs. This financial support allows students to focus on their studies and alleviate the burden of financial stress, enabling them to fully immerse themselves in their academic pursuits.

Moreover, the ACF Barnes W. Rose, Jr. and Eva Rose Nichol Scholarship Program provides recognition and validation to deserving students who have demonstrated a strong interest and skill in math and science. By receiving this scholarship, students receive acknowledgement of their achievements and potential in the STEM fields, which can boost their confidence and motivation to excel further in their academic and future career endeavors.

Additionally, the scholarship program plays a crucial role in fostering a sense of community and support among STEM students. By being part of this program, recipients have the opportunity to connect and network with like-minded individuals who share a passion for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. This sense of belonging can provide a valuable support system where students can exchange ideas, collaborate on projects, and provide encouragement to one another.

Benefits of the ACF Barnes W. Rose, Jr. and Eva Rose Nichol Scholarship Program:
Financial aid of $800
Recognition of achievements and potential in STEM fields
Opportunity to connect and network with like-minded individuals

In conclusion, the ACF Barnes W. Rose, Jr. and Eva Rose Nichol Scholarship Program provides valuable benefits to high school seniors at Albuquerque High School who are interested in pursuing a STEM degree. The financial aid, recognition, and sense of community offered by the scholarship program contribute to the academic and personal growth of the recipients, empowering them to pursue their passion for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics with confidence and support.

Impact of the ACF Barnes W. Rose, Jr. and Eva Rose Nichol Scholarship Program

The ACF Barnes W. Rose, Jr. and Eva Rose Nichol Scholarship Program has a significant impact on the recipients’ academic journeys. By receiving financial aid, students can focus on their studies without the burden of financial stress. This scholarship program not only provides monetary support but also serves as a source of motivation for students pursuing STEM careers.

With the financial assistance provided by the scholarship, students can access educational resources and pursue opportunities that may have otherwise been out of reach. This support enables them to fully immerse themselves in their chosen fields of study, explore their potential, and excel academically.

Moreover, the ACF Barnes W. Rose, Jr. and Eva Rose Nichol Scholarship Program encourages students to pursue careers in the STEM fields. By recognizing their dedication and potential, the program instills a sense of belief in their abilities and encourages them to make a lasting impact on society through their chosen professions. The scholarship serves as a testament to the importance of STEM education and the significant contributions these fields make to advancing technology, innovation, and sustainability.

Benefits of the ACF Barnes W. Rose, Jr. and Eva Rose Nichol Scholarship Program
Financial aid to high school seniors
Enables students to focus on their studies without financial stress
Motivates students to pursue careers in STEM fields
Supports the advancement of technology, innovation, and sustainability

ACF Barnes W. Rose, Jr. and Eva Rose Nichol Scholarship Program

Scholarship Impact at a Glance:

  • Financial aid for high school seniors
  • Reduces financial stress and allows focus on academic endeavors
  • Motivates students to pursue careers in STEM fields
  • Contributes to the advancement of technology, innovation, and sustainability


success stories image

These success stories are just a glimpse of the many achievements made possible by the ACF Barnes W. Rose, Jr. and Eva Rose Nichol Scholarship Program. The program continues to nurture and support talented individuals in their pursuit of academic and career success in the STEM fields, ensuring a brighter future for innovation and progress.

Opportunities for Continued Support in STEM Education

The ACF Barnes W. Rose, Jr. and Eva Rose Nichol Scholarship Program is a shining example of the commitment to supporting students in their pursuit of STEM education. However, this scholarship is just one piece of the larger puzzle. There are various other initiatives and organizations that are dedicated to providing financial assistance and resources to aspiring STEM professionals.

One such organization is STEM Education Coalition, which advocates for policies and programs that promote STEM education at all levels. They work towards ensuring that students have access to quality STEM education, regardless of their economic background. Additionally, there are numerous local and national educational institutions, companies, and government agencies that offer scholarships, internships, and mentorship programs to encourage students to pursue STEM fields.

Government Support

The government also plays a significant role in supporting STEM education. The National Science Foundation (NSF) provides grants and funding to advance scientific research and education. They offer scholarships, fellowships, and research opportunities to students across the nation. Additionally, government initiatives such as the STEM Innovation Networks and STEM-focused schools aim to foster collaboration among educators and provide students with immersive STEM learning experiences.

Industry Partnerships

Industry partnerships are another valuable resource for STEM students. Many companies collaborate with educational institutions to offer scholarships, internships, and research opportunities. These partnerships not only provide financial support but also give students real-world exposure to the STEM industry. By working closely with professionals in their chosen fields, students gain valuable insights and guidance that can shape their career paths.

Overall, the ACF Barnes W. Rose, Jr. and Eva Rose Nichol Scholarship Program serves as a reminder of the importance of continued support in STEM education. Through collaboration between government agencies, educational institutions, and industry partners, aspiring STEM professionals can access the resources and opportunities they need to thrive in their chosen fields.


Conclusion: How the ACF Barnes W. Rose, Jr. and Eva Rose Nichol Scholarship Program Supports Academic Success in STEM

The ACF Barnes W. Rose, Jr. and Eva Rose Nichol Scholarship Program is a powerful source of support for academic success in the STEM fields. This scholarship not only provides crucial financial aid, but it also recognizes the achievements and potential of high school seniors who are passionate about science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.

By offering opportunities for students to pursue their educational goals, the ACF Barnes W. Rose, Jr. and Eva Rose Nichol Scholarship Program empowers aspiring STEM professionals to shape their future. Through this program, recipients are encouraged to excel in their chosen fields and make meaningful contributions to the advancement of science and technology.

In addition to its direct impact on individual students, this scholarship highlights the significance of STEM education and the need to invest in the next generation of innovators. By supporting academic success in STEM, the ACF Barnes W. Rose, Jr. and Eva Rose Nichol Scholarship Program contributes to the growth and development of these critical fields, fostering a brighter future for all.

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